30 Year Reunion Pics

Norma Lott and Carolyn Seymour, 2 of our 1978 office ladies ready to register class members

Brad and Jan (Sorenson) Cundy


 Rick and Lisa Baker


 Craig Berg checking in


Janice (Bundy) Hauber and Jeanne (LeFave) Schlautmann


Lisa Marquiss (Rocky's wife) and Tony Hayden


Kim (Shelstad) Hulings with her daughter


Brenda (Ruby) James and Deanna (Seymour) Dietz


Rich and Judy (Barbour) Lynde


Becky (Malli) Wetzel and Jeanie (LeFave) Schlautmann


Deanna (Seymour) and Jeff Holzer


Sandy Hubbard

John Bing and Russell Boardman


Allen and Cheri Todd


Mary Jo (Desomber) Cookston and Rena Underwood


Sandy Hubbard and Deb (Rothleutner) Seeman


Sue (Shambaugh) Romero, Hoppy Wetzel, Connie (Taylor) Trecazzi and Tammy Solomon


Kyle (Rice) Bell and Kelley (Underwood) Sims


Todd Kannegieter, Dawn (Smith) Boland and Judy (Nichols) Brainis


Judy (Nichols) Brainis,  Jane (Hanson) Nelson and Bjarne Pedersen


Tony Hayden, Don Sharp and Jeanie (LeFave) Schlautmann


Bob Barnette and Dick Cox


Bill and Cindy Means


Don and Teddy Sharp


Mrs. Decker and Bob Pearson


Lou (Wilkson) and Brad Todd


John Bing,Craig Berg, Nancy (Fullenwider) Turner and Don Sharp


Jeff Holzer, Jane (Hanson) Nelson, Doug Turner, Tammie (Filbeck) Jones, Bjarne Pederson and Kyle (Rice) Bell


Bob Pearson and Connie (Taylor) Trecazzi

Bob Freed,  Greg Johnson and Terry (Richards) Barnette in background


Nancy (Fullenwider) Turner, Craig Berg, Tammy (Gimbel) Patik, Rollin Juby, Bill Means, Becky (Malli) Wetzel, Greg Johnson, Kim(Shelstad) Hulings, Judy (Barbour) Lynde


Tammy (Gimbel) Patik, Rollin Juby, Greg Johnson, Becky (Malli) Wetzel, John Bing and Tammie (Filbeck) Jones


Brian Griffin, Lowell Sherrodd  and Becky (Malli) Wetzel


Beck (Malli) Wetzel, winner of a Camel vest for having the most grandchildren (8)!!


Don White and Todd Kannegieter


Todd Kannegieter and Suzie Gilbertz 


Brenda (Ruby) James and Russell and Lesley Boardman


Kate Murphy, Suzie Gilbertz, Todd Kannegieter and Deanna (Seymour) Dietz


Connie (Taylor) Trecazzi and Sue (Shambaugh) Romero


Brian Griffin, Lowell Sherrodd and Tony Hayden

Our high school nurse, Rosemary Shober, Diane Shober and Richard Shober


Nurse Rosemary Shober, Mrs. Guiterrez, Senor John Guiterrez and Richard Shober

Terry (Richards) Barnette and Bob Barnette, Judy (Barbour) Lynde and Rich Lynde


Kate Murphy and Sue (Shambaugh) Romero


Ken Vance, Vanda (Toohey) Cathey, Gary Stephens and Suzie Gilbertz


Ted and Tracy (Plunkett) Jerred and Tammy (Gimbel) and Pat Patik 


Robert Freed and Larry Smith


Bob Pearson and Lou (Wilkson) Gaspers


John Bing and Brad Todd


Mrs. Decker and Bjarne Pedersen


Mike Gauthier


Sue (Ratcliff) Harrison and Peg (Daly) Smith


Jodie Cox (Dick's wife), Clay's wife and Clay Alexander


Jeff Holzer and Dick Cox


Bob Pearson, Rena Underwood, Tammy Solomon and John Bing


Deb (Rothleutner) Seeman and Rena Underwood


Lee Wandler and Diane Shober


Kelley (Underwood) Sims, Marty Maher and Dawn (Smith) Boland


Peg (Daly) Smith, Diane Shober and Craig Berg 


Dawn (Smith) Boland, Craig Berg and Judy (Nichols) Brainis


Tammie (Filbeck) Jones, Tammy (Gimbel) Patik and Tammy (Stewart) Hettinger


Vanda (Toohey) Cathey and Jeanie (LeFave) Schlautmann


Bronwen (Rudolph) Anderson


Denny and Sue (Ratcliff) Harrison


Terry (Richards) Barnette, Bob Barnette and Diane Shober


Deanna (Seymour) Dietz and Robert Freed


Suzie Gilbertz and Larry Smith


Mary Throne and Peg (Daly) Smith


Janice (Bundy) Hauber


Front: Suzie Gilberts, Don White

Back:  Jeff Holzer, Breda (Ruby) James, Peg (Daly) Smith, Larry Smith, Deanna (Seymour) Dietz and Rollin Juby

We missed you Rusty, Rick and Pat!!


Chaeli Jaramillo and Denny Harrison (Sue Ratcliff's husband)


Sue (Ratcliff) Harrison, Bronwen (Rudolph) Anderson and Terry (Richards) Barnette


Judy (Nichols) Brainis, Sue (Ratcliff) Harrison and Terry (Richards) Barnette


Peg (Daly) Smith, Judy (Barbour) Lynde, Diane Shober, Jamie (Swenson) Cassel, Kelley (Underwood) Sims and Bronwen (Rudolph) Anderson   Bill Sims peeking out from behind


Larry Smith, Lou (Wilkson) Gaspers, Stephen Gaspers, and Robert Freed


Suzie Gilbertz, Brenda (Ruby) James, Deanna (Seymour) Dietz and Don White 


Deb (Rothleutner) Seeman and Jeff Holzer


Gary Stephens and Bronwen (Rudolph) Anderson


Judy (Nichols) Brainis and Peg (Daly) Smith


Bill Sims, Kelley (Underwood) Sims and Diane Shober



Brian Griffin and Robin Lauer


Brenda and Lowell Sherrodd and Jeff Holzer


Clay Alexander, Robert Freed, Brad Andrew and friend, Jen Johnson, Lee Wandler and David Green


Lee Wandler and Jamie (Swenson) Cassel


Swing it, Diane!


Mary Throne, Michelle (Kranz) Janota-high school English teacher,  Kelley (Underwood) Sims and Dawn (Smith) Boland at school tour.


JoAnna and Brad Todd, Diane Shober, Bjarne Pedersen and his daughter at CCHS


Brad Todd and Bjarne Pedersen


Kelley (Underwood) Sims, Diane Shober and Jamie (Swenson) Cassel at CCHS


Brad Todd at CCHS


Jamie (Swenson) and Mary Throne at CCHS


Lou (Wilkson) Gaspers, JoAnna and Brad Todd at CCHS


Judy (Nichols) Brainis, Peg (Daly) Smith, Mary Throne, Brad Todd,  Dawn (Smith) Boland, Bjarne Pedersen, Kelley (Underwood) Sims and Lou (Wilkson) Gaspers in Mark Winland's Science/Ecology room at CCHS


Sue (Ratcliff) Harrison, Janice (Bundy) Hauber, Larry Smith and Lou (Wilkson) Gaspers


Kate Murphy and Diane Shober


Marty Maher and Robert Freed


Lowell Sherrodd and Jeff Holzer


Diane Shober and Bronwen (Rudolph) Anderson


Jane (Hanson) Nelson and Bob Pearson


Rick Baker and Potato Head

You do remember the Potato Heads in high school, don't you?


Deanna (Seymour) Dietz and Larry Smith

Duane Eckwall, Paul Gates and Allen Todd


Bill Means and Deanna (Seymour) Dietz

She was returning his Sr. Memory book that she has had for 30 years...why did you have it, Deanna?


Jan (Sorenson) Cundy


Curtis and Vanda (Toohey) Cathey, Tammy (Gimbel) Patik and Bill Means


Deanna --  something sure is funny!


Craig Berg and Judy (Nichols) Brainis

Mike and Deanna Gauthier


Camel Memorabilia hanging on the wall.  There were great memories on the table too!  Someone really "dug" to find Warrior Power buttons, the Sound of Music play book and Marty Maher in a pair of classic striped polyester pants in elelmentary school!!!

How about Larry Smith's platform shoes?


Diane helping Bronwen into her very memorable prom dress!


Duane Eckwall (one great story teller!)


The reenacted Prom dance with Prom dates, Bronwen (Rudolph) Anderson and Kenny Vance.

Remember the song, Dreamboat Annie?



Bronwen (Rudolph) Anderson and Kelley (Underwood) Sims


Suzie Gilberts and friend


Todd Kannegieter and Suzie Gilbertz  (Do you hear any sound of music?)


Lou (Wilkson) Gaspers, Brenda (Ruby) James and Kate Murphy


Dawn (Smith) Boland, Larry Smith, Craig Berg and Jeanie (LeFave) Schlautmann


Kathy and Rollin Juby


Brenda (Ruby) James, Tammy (Gimbel) Patik, Bob Pearson, Deanna (Seymour) Dietz,  Kate Murphy, Lou (Wilkson) Gaspers,

Bjarne Pedrsen and Robert Freed


Bob Pearson and Bjarne Pedersen


Allen Todd, Dick Cox, Duane Eckwall, Ken Vance and Don White


Paul Gates and Janice (Bundy) Hauber


Ken Vance, Diane Shober, Craig Berg and Dawn (Smith) Boland


Don Sharp, Larry Smith and Mike Gauthier


Brad Todd and Brad Andrews


Marty Maher, Judy (Nichols) Brainis and Brad Andrews


Duane Eckwall, Jeff Holzer, Judy (Nichols) Brainis and Marty Maher


Sue (Shambaugh) Romero and Bronwen (Rudolph) Anderson


Lowell Sherrodd and Judy (Nichols) Brainis


Russell Boardman and Peg (Daly) Smith


Russ Boardman and Gary Stephens


Russ Boardman, Brad Andrews and Gary Stephens


Vanda (Toohey) Cathey and Tammy (Gimbel) Patik


Sue (Ratcliff) Harrison, Becky (Johnson) Barrett and Lou (Wilkson) Gaspers


Don White and Rollin Juby