School Story:
Favorite memories?
School: That would have to be a toss-up between eating Frito's in Nurse Shober's office, passing "secret-code notes" with Betsy Houser, goofing off in Mr. Plato's typing class with Dawn Smith, hiding out in the library, goofing off in Senor Gutierrez's Spanish class con mi amiga, Racquel (relocating his car?), doing "Camel" stuff with Diane, Peg, Deanna, Judy B., Terri and all the other spirit monsters! (making posters, baking for bake sales, decorating lockers, buying stuff at bake sales, getting excused from classes for "emergency" practice, going to cheer camp), goofing off in Miss Worth's (the "Fort") class with Peg Daly & Dawn Smith, TRYING to keep up with all those Mathe"magicians" in Mr. Dague's class (that cute, cowboy, Algebra teacher!), Driver's Ed with Mr. Mankins, Mr. Gaskin's Civics class with Larry Smith, Cafeteria Food!!, The year that Dawn and I were on the track team (!!) Mr. Bayliss's Chemistry class and Physics class with Tom Ely (that was where we started "WTF?"), and scooting around the CCHS parking lot (Susie Gilbertz in her new bus?!) & and the list goes ON!
NOT School: Dragging Main (2nd Street), Dawn and the "Freeze-Out Song", Beauty Pageants (Jr. Miss & Miss Teenage Wyoming!), working at the Rec Center, Big Don's and Taco John's & my old, '63 Ford Fairlane ("The White Turd"), Pacer Jean (God Bless You, Jim Swenson!), Dawn Smith TRYING to teach me to drive a stick shift!! Boyfriends (Gasp!) Stalking those Boyfriends!! Getting caught by my Mom when Dawn & I were stalking boyfriends: DURING school hours!! Making sugar cookies from scratch at Dawn's house and modifying the recipe - - - a WEE bit (16 cups of flour)!! How 'BOUT those GODAWFUL rainbow-hued tuxes (and leisure suits!) that matched EVERY prom dress!