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06/26/08 12:57 PM #9    

Duane Ekwall

Actually I kind of think "That 70s Show" started the 70s look trend that's going on now. The other day one of my kids was wearing flared hip hugger type jeans and one of those wide belts with the holes in it. That kind of opened my eyes that they now have reverted back to the 70s. When i watch that 70s show, it really doesn't look like the 70s to me anymore, but more like modern times.

06/29/08 11:52 AM #10    

Brad Andrews

I remember CPO jackets and waffel stompers. Yes we were styling. I wish I was still that thin. Rock on "78" PS what about those great cars? Damn Brian you havn't changed a bit. Nice CPO Duane

07/02/08 04:58 PM #11    

TammyLou Solomon

Hey people I'd rather see the kids wear 70's clothes especially the boys who wear pants that hang down so one can see their underwear and or tush. Even some of the grownups wear them that way.
Me, I'd rather see them in the pants that fit but thats just me.

07/02/08 08:39 PM #12    


Ken Vance

And as life goes on some peoples anatomy makes those britches go where the young kids wear them. AKA. Plumbers Butt!!!!!!!!!!HA! HA!

07/03/08 11:37 AM #13    

Brad Andrews

Hey I used to plumb, maybe thats what happened to my ass.

07/03/08 08:27 PM #14    


Jeanie LeFave (Schlautmann)

OMG -- those are some really awesome photos from our 10th!! Love those hairdo's!!

Thanks to whoever dug up those pics, they are great!!

It will be such fun to see everyone real soon.

07/07/08 07:46 PM #15    

Duane Ekwall

I tell the kids I work with that the whole purpose in wearing tight jeans in teh '70s was so that the guys/girls could see your butt. I don't think they get it. But some guys and girls are starting to wear the flair/bell bottoms now. The weird thing is...we use to have to wash our jeans 500 times to get them to look old. After all it wasn't cool to wear new jean to school. Now days they can buy them that way and pay 100 dollars for them. Whats up with that?

07/10/08 04:57 PM #16    

Paul Gates

I always thought this class would accomplish great things and after reading what everyone has been up to all these years I can see alot of good has been accomplished see you all soon

07/17/08 12:28 PM #17    

Brad Andrews

I thought we were all headed to the "Big House"

07/18/08 03:40 PM #18    


Brian McCormack

Whatever happened to the teachers? I saw recently that Mr. Jackson passed away. Mr. Merriam (9th grade algebra, remember Otis?) & Mr. Maher have died as well. What happened to Mr. Kelly, Ms. Kranz, Mr. Wood, Miss Jahn, Mr. Marsh, Wicked Wanda, Mr. Izzo, Mr. Gildroy, Mr. Watwood, Mr. Oldenburg, Mr. Dague, Mr. Gault, Mr. Winegar, Mr. Lussow & Senor Gutierrez???

07/18/08 10:28 PM #19    


Ken Vance

Of all people Brad you would have been the best canidate for that house! The rest of us were such angels!!!!!!!!!!!

07/19/08 08:09 AM #20    

Brad Andrews

They knew they would never take me alive!

07/20/08 03:50 PM #21    

Mark Winland

Hey Brian and all:
I can answer a couple of the teacher questions since I'm teaching at the old alma mater (who would have thought...) trying to semi-adequately fill Lussow's shoes. And still taking trips to Teton Science School (Ken Vance - I still remember your scat necklace from our trip in '77 - you got it for being the king of the "Specimens of the Day"). Remember that?

Anyway, Mr. Lussow is retired (about 8 years now) and he and Mary have a home in Arizona but still have their cabin in the Bighorms for the summer. Ms. Kranz (now Mrs. Janota) is back at the High School teaching English - crazy as ever!

07/20/08 05:43 PM #22    


Ken Vance

Yes I do! What a prize, a necklace made of CRAP! Talk about recycling I think that went to the extreme just abit! But it was a great time and was a trip I will remember forever!

07/21/08 11:31 AM #23    


Diana Parnell (Statzula)

The BIG HOUSE?!?! Brad? Hey....maybe that's why I got involved in prison work. The possibility of running in to some of my old classmate buddies!?!? Huh.....

As far as teachers....isn't Mr Gildroy up in Montana?

07/21/08 03:28 PM #24    


Diana Parnell (Statzula)

Does anyone remember the bicentennial trip? THAT TRIP was SO much FUN!!! That is when I first learned the importance of making sure you have PEOPLE in your photos...not just buildings! I must have taken a million photos with very few people in them. :(

Another very funny memory...well, it was one of those funny, not so funny at the time moments. My photography class was at the fishing lake. (Isn't that what it was called?) Anyway...I was looking into my camera which was on the tripod which happened to be facing away from the road when I heard this big SPLASH!!! Anyone remember that? I was Linda Abramo. Drove her car in to the lake!!! Oh man..if only I would have had my camera pointing the OTHER way!

07/22/08 05:17 PM #25    

Janice Bundy (Hauber)

Brian the brain...sorry remember when our mothers were friends. That trailer crt?...Anyway Steve Oldenburg just retired this year. He is staying with the footabll program as a coach I have heard from his son. Mr Jahnke is still here, he retired with Mr Jackson. That was hard on Jahnke. Watwoods retired to the Black hills last I heard.

07/24/08 09:10 AM #26    

Judy Nichols (Brainis)

I read the News Record online EVERY DAY!! Religiously!! Anyway, I saw that Mr. Plato passed away within this past year. That makes me sad: I think that he was probably a little "misunderstood".

Also, a coupla' years back, I went to the CCHS website to check out who all was still teaching and clicked on Senor Gutierrez's e-mail and fired off a note (in my BEST espanol!) and never heard back from him. By the next year, he was no longer on the website as a faculty member. Maybe I'll Google him - probably no duplicates in Texas, huh?!

I can't WAIT to see you all there next WEEK!!!

07/24/08 01:16 PM #27    

Brad Andrews

We were lucky that we grew up then.

07/24/08 05:21 PM #28    


Brian McCormack

Will miss getting together with you all, but am enjoying this website to no end. HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!

Can't wait to see the pictures.

07/24/08 05:45 PM #29    


Ken Vance

Brian we will take no prisoners! Show up or we all will be camping on your doorstep and dragging you and the wife here!HA!HA!

07/24/08 07:28 PM #30    

Peg Daly (Smith)

I think I smell a road trip! Are we going out to kidnap Brian? We better swing out to Washington to pick up Cheese too! Brian, it would make it much easier if you were to just surprise us HERE!!

07/24/08 07:34 PM #31    

Peg Daly (Smith)

And, yes, Diana, I remember the Bicentennial trip to Washington/New York very well. Ask Diane about her experience in the Pentagon..just a little bruise! What a fun trip; think what the security would be now. As a teacher now, I shudder to think of how much freedom they let us have back there and yet all the responsibility they had. Who were the sponsors? Miss Kettelson and ????

Two of my boys have been on school trips to D.C. but I don't think it was quite the same!!

07/24/08 07:57 PM #32    

Deb Rothleutner (Seeman)

Senor Gutierrez is still around. He is working with the Hispanic families a lot at our church. He asked me not long ago if I was planning on attending the reunion, so don't be a bit surprised if he shows up.

He doesn't have e-mail and not sure he even has a computer! Peg, if you want to formally invite him, send me a note and I'll get you his phone number and address.

07/24/08 09:51 PM #33    

Peg Daly (Smith)

That would be great, Deb! Just e-mail the info. to me.



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